Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The best thing about being 15 is that I can now listen to the song 100 years by Five for Fighting & truthfully say "Im 15 for a moment!" lol! I <3 this song! check it out!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Today is earth day a day to respect the earth!! but we should respect the earth and take care of the earth everyday! Its our job, God told Adam and Eve to take care of the earth so now its our job!!!!!!! I know we cant all drive hybrid cars and do what all of the celebrities are doing but we can help!! We can not use lights in the day or when were not in the room leave the light off! We can recycle for example my family save all our milk and juice bottles,plastic,glass,paper,etc. and use them for things like crafts or storage containers. We can go outside instead of watching tv. We can ride a bike to work (if you live in town)!!! Iam aware that liberals exaggerate and the world is proabably not gonna end tommorow,but we do need to try to be more conservative,look for cleaner energy sources,etc. Especially for the next generations we want our kids and grandkids to have just as nice of a home as we do dont we? Our disregard for the enviroment and our responsibility to take care of it disturbing!!!! We cant just keep saying that its all a lie and theres nothing to worry about! So when your done with your coke can or newspaper dont throw it away, and when you leave a room turn the light off! And Happy Earth Day!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Opinions and Right and Wrong!

I think that this world believes that there is an opinion for everything and I disagree!! You cant have an opinion for right and wrong! you can have an opinion on an outfit or which is better facebook or myspace. but you cant have an opinion on the things of the Bible! You cant have an opinion when it comes to witnessing Matthew 28:19-20 and 2nd Timothy 4:2 we have to witness all the time! We cannot have an opinion when it comes to abortion Exodus 20:13, Exodus 21:22-23 and Jeremiah 1:5 murduring is a sin, children belong to God, and God has a plan for us before we are even born! We cant have an opinion when it comes to obeying God and our parents Ephesians 6:1-2 sometimes its not fun but we have to do whats right we cant have a different opinion then God! God didnt ask for our opinions,thankfully,because He knows whats best! He wrote the Bible no opinions, no debate, it shows us whats right and wrong! God is not gonna honor our "opinions" when he judges us it will be by the Bible! God's word is NOT a suggestion and we should not use it lightly!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

<3 Twilight the Book <3

This is one of my favorite books of all time!!! Stephanie Meyer's writing is sooo incredible and amazing. I love how descriptive she is! When I read this series I feel like I'm right there in Forks, Washington! I can feel Edward, cold when Bella touches him I can hear his voice which she describes sounds like melting honey. I can see the meadow so filled with light and soo beautiful!! I also love her comparisons that she uses in New Moon comparing Jacob and Edward! Stephanie actually managed to think up the perfect guy, unselfish, protecting, loving, beautiful, talented, generous. She is able to relate to teenage girls so well too! she made it all seem so real to me I wouldn't be surprised if she knows a few vampires! haha! I've read the book 9 times and I'm still finding new writing methods that she uses to make the book soo much more enjoyable and real! I think she is probably one of THE best writers of this century! and I cant wait to read more from her! she makes everything soo exciting in this book not just the first touch or the first kiss but every touch, every kiss, even every conversation between Edward and Bella!!!!!!! I love how Steph goes right into the story no slow starts your interested by the first page! also I love how Edward battles his nature to drink blood and what he knows is right - a vampire resisting the urge to drink blood for the girl he loves!! <3
